Saturday, November 6, 2010

Pg. 195 Objectives

2). Pertaining to page 195, complete objective 1, 2, 3, 6 or 7. (Please choose only one to complete). 

#2: Find an advertisement that uses apple polishing.  Is it a good argument?

This is a Special K advertisement I found online.  This advertisement uses apple polishing in an appeal to vanity.  It is arguing that if you want to lose weight in a healthy way and feel good about your body, you should eat Special K.  This argument is not necessarily a bad argument.  It is relating your emotion by stating goals like fitting into your skinny jeans or feeling more fit.  It has a premise that you may want to be fit and healthy and Special K is the brand that may offer what you need to reach your goal.  So this appeals to the audience, argues appropriately, and is plausible.  It also has a prescriptive conclusion.  It says has that as a premise that if you want to feel a certain good way about yourself, then you should do this.  If you want to feel healthy and fit, then you should eat Special K. 

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