2). Sometimes when something is diffciult to understand, it becomes a bit clearer when we try to explain it to someone else. Which type of reasoning was most difficult to understand? Please do some additional internet research on that specific type of reasoning and discuss what you learned.
Out of all the reasonings, I found deductive to be the most unclear. Doing additional research, I have gained a better understanding. Deductive reasoning can be thought of as a "reduction". Deductive reasoning is also known as "hypothetico-deduction". Deductive reasoning starts out with a general idea and breaks down into a more specific case. The general idea comes from a hypothesis or theory, assuming that it is true, and applies it to the more specific situation. This reasoning is to show the general hypothesis or theory applies to all cases relevant to it. For example, the winter is cold in the bay area. During the winter you should wear warm clothes. The general statement is the winter being cold which is then applied to the more specific event of what kind of clothes you should wear for the type of weather.
This is a really good post. I learned way more about deductive reasoning. I just looked a wikipedia for my definition and it wasn't that great. it was just like a paragraph from that page we had to read. But this one goes so much more in depth. I like how you used bigger words like hypothetico deduction to truly get the right definition of it. I see now that hypothesis and educated guesses are the reason that this reasoning works now. If that was exaplined better to me earlier i probably would have understood it more completely.