3). Pick one concept from either text, not already discussed, that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.
There are three different forces that affect the decision making of a group/team.
1. Cognitive Forces "include the perception, interpretation, evaluation, storage, retrieval, and integration of information input to an individual" (p. 38, Group Communication). The interpretation of information that each individual in the group is very important because each person thinks and sees things different. That is why it is important to discuss how each individual interprets the information with one another because the end result will be affected by the factor of the thought of each person.
2. Psychological Forces "refer to the personal motives, goals, attitudes, and values of group members" (p. 38, Group Communication). How each group member feels personally is always a factor to a decision. We all make a decision in regards on our attitude towards a situation. For example, if it is hot outside, your goal is to have a cold drink instead of a hot drink to cool us down.
3. Social Forces "are communicative influence such as language use and persuasion" (p.39, Group Communication). The way people communicate with one another is a big factor to decision making. If one individual use of words confuses the second individual, there would be a lack of communication and throw people off of what he/she is trying to say.
Pretty cool stuff. I never thought about the differences between making an individual and group decision. I see cognitive and social forces as the difference. With cognitive forces, interpretation of information definitely effects a decision. Lets say Carol sends us an email saying to meet with our group. I could think meet in person while another person thinks meeting online. We decide to meet at 5. My decision would need a location since I think Carol meant meet in person. Once I tell my group member to meet at the library, they would get confused since they thought we were meeting online. Psychological forces are behind my individual decisions.